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The Therapy Dog Formula Blueprint™

The How's on turning your dog into a Therapy Dog


If you have ever thought about training your own therapy dog

There's no easier way!

Why You Need This Course

Boy with Dog

The Problem is:

There is no where in W.A to go for this training

There are NO trainers with the appropriate skills

There's no way to tell if you would receive adequate support from Eastern Programs

People are becoming wiser to the dangers associated with animals in the workplace

It's just a matter of time before someone is sued

That's why I put this course together!!

I want to ensure your journey is a success.

I would like your dog to be happy in his work and that your clients are safe.

It's about getting better results for the people you serve!

Transform your dog

Using up to date scientific training methodologies, training your pooch has never been easier. Let me show you how!

Download your free worksheet to determine your dog's training level.

A word from the founder

As an extremely shy child, I fell behind tremendously at school and was written off by many teachers as a failure.

Well, after every knock down, I got back up and ended up going to University and carved a magnificent career for myself working with the things I love the most in life, 'animals' and 'people'.

What I am most proud of is that I have successfully trained hundreds of dogs as well as Guide Dogs, Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs.

I am now renowned for my wealth of knowledge and experience and receive 15-20% more referrals than the industry standard - which is a dismal 3%.

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What you get!

      Designed for professional therapists, teachers, support

      workers or volunteers.

      Access this course anywhere at anytime available on all


      Learn the formula for an amazing, well-trained dog

      obtain positive, force-free training techniques that work


      Understand how your body language can aid your dog's

      understanding of behaviour

      Access to exclusive Therapy Dog Formula Blueprint™

      community, worth $500

      Access to your instructor via the community and email,

      worth $500

      Lifetime access to the course

      Training plan templates worth $300

      Measuring behaviour sheets

      Individual feedback on your videos worth $600

      The cost of this course is $1,499.95 but its full value is



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